10 Emotional Awareness Quotes to Energise and Inspire you and your family this Month
Emotional awareness quotes are among those which can actually help you build your own emotional awareness itself - just by reading them. Printing them out for your workplace, home or children can inspire those around you to start being more self-aware, too - which is helpful for both themselves and you!
This post will share 10 emotional awareness quotes which should inspire you - and have the potential to inspire others. These quotes can be purchased as a gorgeous, affordable printable pack for your home, office or space by clicking here to go to Etsy!
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10 Emotional Awareness Quotes to inspire you this month. Emotional exhaustion is a problem in motherhood and working mums. Use these quotes to remind yourself about the importance of your emotional health, whether a mum or not! #emotionalawarenessquotes #emotionalregulationprintables
10 Emotional Awareness Quotes to Energise and Inspire you and your family this Month
“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.'“
Dan Millman
It can be so important to have quotes displayed around the place - not only for yourself, but as a reminder to those around you. Many people are controlled by their impulses and thoughts - and it can be like light in a dark place to be shown or reminded of the reality, like this first emotional awareness quote by Dan Millman.
“Never give up on someone with mental illness. When the ‘I’ is replaced with ‘we’, ILLNESS becomes WELLNESS.’
Shannon L. Alder
I absolutely love this next quote. In fact, I have personal experience with this, and just love that the best way to help someone you know with a mental illness is just that - to be there. Not necessarily over-giving (sometimes people need nurture, but it’s easy to become totally worn out ourselves, which does nothing for our own emotional health and therefore our family), but being able to regularly send a text, email or visit to show we do care, and their mental illness has not ‘scared us away’ - like people can feel has happened in friendships, etc.
“Feelings are something you have - not something you are.”
Shannon L. Alder
The separation between identity and feelings is a very important distinction.
It’s essential that we remember that sometimes we will feel a certain way - but we do not let that define who we are. For instance, if you are someone who gets angry when certain things happen, it does not help to tell others ‘I’m an angry mum’ - because for starters, this is not good for your kids to hear (imagine what that does to their emotional safety!), it is reaffirming it in your own mind and heart, which is very unhelpful for emotional healing.
“You can’t avoid your life or stop bad things from happening. You have to condition yourself to have appropriate emotional responses but learn to keep moving forward.”
-Beloved Sights (saved on Pinterest)
How healing is this emotional awareness quote? ‘Condition yourself to have appropriate emotional responses’ could mean anything here; and to me a healthy, appropriate emotional response is to let the emotion exist. Don’t try and push it down, away, and so on - unless it comes to a safety consideration - and let yourself actually feel what is going on.
This might include some emotional processing activities, somatic exercises, and so on - but it’s super important that you don’t wallow in your emotion - but that you also allow yourself to feel it until it has passed through your body.
“Give yourself permission to unplug and regroup without feeling guilty. You can’t be there for others if you don’t take care of yourself first.”
Yes, yes, yes, Did anyone mention oxygen masks? As long as you are doing what is needed for your family (notice I said needed), then you should not be feeling guilty for taking a little time for yourself, here. Even as a stress and emotional health coach for mums, I am telling myself this just as much as you, dear reader! It’s OK to take time for yourself, because after all, regrouping is what armies do to reconsolidate and make a more effective, efficient effort - and that’s what you’re doing.
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“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”
-John Green
Many of my readers know I am a Christian, so this one hits home in a different way for those of us with a faith in Jesus. (Read the Proverbs 31 woman devotion right here, if that’s you!)
That said, even if you don’t, it’s important to remember that our brains are just recognising our environment as we see it.
Our brains tend to catastrophise, and make more of the negative because that’s how we were created - we have to focus much more on the positive in order to start teaching our brains more about this skill.
“This fear will pass. The fear is real but the danger is not.”
-Cammie McGovern (via ineffableliving.com)
This one is along similar lines to #6 - that when fear comes, unless we are actually in a life-or-death situation, we probably have limited actual danger to our bodies. The greatest danger is that we will continue climbing our stress levels higher, when you really want to be trying some stress reduction techniques like these ones!
Remembering that we are here, learning, and that the fear is more all-consuming when you continue thinking about it over and over (ruminating), gives us some clarity and a reminder that while the fear is real, it is often actually that which we are ultimately afraid of, anyway.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
-C.G. Jung
An amazing trainer I had from The Centre for Healing says this regularly - and it’s super important.
Ignoring your emotions, ignoring your emotional health, is not how a mature, responsible person operates. We do function in habits, beliefs, processes that are built when we are children and since then. (This is the same for Christians - read more about my take on this right here)
It’s important that we understand the difference between what we see and believe, versus what is actually true, about ourselves and those we interact with.
“We cannot selectively numb emotions. When we numb painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”
-Brene Brown
Enough said - who needs to add to the amazing Brene Brown? Don’t numb your emotions! Feel them, allow them, and don’t let your inner critical voice shame you into feeling embarrassed to feel.
You were created this way - it’s not the feelings that we control, but the actions we allow those feelings to cause.
“Your body is noticing the stress you don’t realise you are holding. Breathe, let your muscles relax, and mentally sit ‘in’ your body for a minute. This feeling of fear, anxiety and busyness can be ‘parked’ for awhile. Allow a breath of freedom, right now.”
-Miranda Hodge (that’s me! I couldn’t resist!)
So many of my clients struggle with the feeling of being overwhelmed, not ‘good enough’ and like they are constantly in the rat race. Stress causes us to tense, clam up, our shoulders can come up, as well as impacts digestion, heart rate and health over time, and a million other things, too!
Reminding yourself that while we still have commitments to fulfill, taking a moment to drop all that stress and appreciate something we love, as regularly as possible, is an excellent way to start slowing the stress spread in your own life and start building your own peaceful way of life again.
I hope these emotional awareness quotes help you feel less stressed, and more peaceful as you go about your daily life, whether you’re a mum, woman in the workforce, or anyone. Emotional health is not just for some people; it’s for all people.
Don’t forget to grab the Emotional Health Quote Printable pack here for an absolute steal!
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About me!
I am a teacher-turned stress management/emotional wellbeing coach, for mums both Christian and not; who are finding life overwhelming and stressful. I use emotional processing and basic somatic techniques with my clients, as well as uncover deeper beliefs, expectations and habits that you may be unaware of - and the influence they are having on you subconsciously.
I also author wellbeing books such as Stop Mum Guilt and fantasy novels, as well as create physical journals and printable products for women. If you feel overwhelmed, or are sick and tired of feeling that horrible guilt you carry around in your chest for ‘not doing everything well enough’, grab your 30% off call here as a new client!