5 essentials on staying healthy while breastfeeding
5 essentials on staying healthy while breastfeeding (for first time mums)
Read these simple mum tips on how to stay healthy while breastfeeding! #healthymum #lactation
Breastfeeding. It’s a HUGE topic (and learning curve) for all new mums. Staying healthy while breastfeeding is also hugely important, because a healthy mama (both physically and emotionally) means a healthy, growing baby!
For me, breastfeeding was THE most confronting part of having my first baby.
I was sore, tired, swollen and seriously needing some time to myself (long labour too) and I needed to just get some space!
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But I was still in hospital and my baby was hungry-and thelovely, beautiful midwives were helping me learn how to feed her.
(Note: Midwives do an AMAZING job. I respect them more thanalmost anyone else in the world!)
But I really struggled.
(Anyone else been there?)
In fact with baby #1 I gave up as soon as I left hospital. I was calm except when I was trying to feed her- my husband and I decided on my sanity rather than breastfeeding over formula. (Sometimes you just have to make hard choices, huh)
Many mums feel unbelievably guilty in this time - read more about Mum Guilt (and stopping it) here!
My baby was VERY hungry, and I have PCOS which can inhibit milk production (I learnt this on baby #3, so I didn’t know this could be afactor).
But I did learn a LOT about how Mums can be healthy while feeding their babies.
Here are some excellent tips, including a gorgeous recipe from harryhoot.com.au
1: Help your milk supply however you can.
Fast forward to baby #2-I expressed and fed her-and tried lots of different things to make more milk!
Pinky Mckay’s Boobie Bikkies were great, as well as adietitian friend’s lactation slice, and I recently found this gorgeous recipefrom harryhoot.com.au:
‘Milk Chocolate Lactation Smoothie’ by harryhoot
Get the recipe here (and don't forget to check out their gorgeous site for a gift for any pregnant friends!)
Milk supply seems to be always helped by everything we aremeant to do anyway. Eat, drink healthily and rest usually equals more milk!
2: Eat healthy, nutritious food to sustain your body andemotional health
When looking for how much to eat while breastfeeding, thereis a lot of good advice around. I like this succinct post from Sarah, studentmidwife and mother of 4:
‘Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend breastfeeding women and pregnant women consume 5 serves of vegetables, 8 serves of grains and 3.5 serves of meat (and meat alternatives including nuts and seeds) per day. As well as 2 serves of fruit, 3.5 serves of dairy (and dairy alternatives) and 0-3 additional serves of choice…’ @sarah_phillips_midwife_mumof4
Read the full post here on Sarah’s Instagram!
To join the 30 day (super healthy) Smoothie Challenge, click here!
3: Stay hydrated!
Before you breastfeed your baby, take a moment to pop a glass of water next to your chair. Sip from it as you can and need to. Your baby needs you to stay healthy while breastfeeding, just as much as you do. (After all, your health informs the quality of your breastmilk!)
Even if you don't drink, although there may be enough milk for her for awhile, you may start to experience the symptoms of dehydration, such as:
-dry skin
Now, who needs that as part of their day, while trying to be all we need to be to a growing baby?
We need to drink enough water.
How much is enough?
You probably know that the average adult needs around 8 glasses of water per day- and the average breastfeeding mama can use an extra 3-4 glasses!
It sounds like a lot, but this becomes more achievable asyou intentionally keep a drinkbottle with you, put water within reach, or challenge yourself to drink certain amounts at certain times.
4:Get enough rest.
(I know, you’ve just had a baby and you need to run on theirschedule. But you don’t need to runon anyone else’s.)
Take awhile to get used to being a Mama. It’s the most important job you’ll ever do. You need to look after yourself, because this job is definitely not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
Your baby will stillneed you to be healthy, night after night, day after day.
So take the moments you can, ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ asthey say. (If you can)
Your body is doing all the things at the moment.
You are awake and feeding at all times of the day and night!
Give yourself a break and forget the housework as much as possible. Staying healthy while breastfeeding involves taking care of your body with rest, just as much as food and water intake.
5: Make sure you are as comfortable as possible whilefeeding, to minimise body aches and pains.
Breastfeeding (and baby parenting in general!) can be terrible for your back. Ensure you have a breastfeeding or normal pillow to pop under your arm, comfortable chair and everything you need, before you start feeding.
I found hunching over caused my neck and back to be sore and aching constantly-and my baby wasn’t even that old yet!
It’s so important to look after your body.
Again, when you are a new mother, there is not much rest when you want it, with a newborn-and if/when more children come along, this is even less likely.
If you need help with breastfeeding at all, the Australian Breastfeeding Association is available via phone. I had a handy magnet on my fridge, which I could use whenever I needed (because who can remember where you put ‘that number’ with baby brain, anyway?)
There we have it, my 5 essential tips on staying healthywhile breastfeeding.
1: Boost your milk supply however you can
2: Eat healthy, nutritious food to sustain your body andemotional health
3: Stay hydrated!
4: Get enough rest.
5: Make sure you are as comfortable as possible while feeding, to minimise body aches and pains.
How is your feeding journey (breast OR bottle) going with your new baby?
I'd love to hear anything you found helpful from this post! Leave a comment below or email me at smartmamasmartkids.com!
Thanks for reading!
See these blogs for more helpful tips and ideas for your journey through early motherhood and parenting a toddler.
How to Teach your Small Child to respect you
Stop your Toddler Being Destructive
What your Toddler is Learning through Play
Feeding is extremely important- and so is your mental and emotional health.
Well done you on your baby- I'm sure you are doing SO well, Mama!
Need to tackle that mum guilt… less overwhelm…and feel like you again?
Miranda is a teacher-turned Christian life coach, stress management and emotional wellbeing coach, for mums both spiritual and not, who are finding life overwhelming and stressful. She uses emotional processing basics with her clients, as well as uncovers deeper beliefs and habits that you may be unaware of - and the influence they are having on you subconsciously.
Miranda also authors wellbeing books such as Stop Mum Guilt and fantasy novels, as well as creates physical journals and printable products for women. If you feel overwhelmed, or are sick and tired of feeling that horrible guilt you carry around in your chest for ‘not doing everything well enough’, grab your 30% off call here as a new client!
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Grab your free Mental Wellbeing Printable Planner pack here
It’s time to STOP MUM GUILT with the simple 48 page ebook on Amazon!